Rita Ora는 새 신발 컬렉션 비디오를 모델링하면서 멋지게 보입니다.

Singer Rita Ora has teamed up with ShoeDazzle on a new curated line (2020). With this collection, ShoeDazzle and Rita encourage women around the world to express their style and creativity in their own unique way.

The Rita Ora x ShoeDazzle Collection, which features a range of looks from red carpet heels to sneakers, knee high boots to combat boots, is available now. 게다가, Rita Ora and ShoeDazzle are launching the Women of the Future Fund.

This fund is a $ 100,000 investment to be awarded in grants to three women who are working in creative industries. With these grants, ShoeDazzle and Rita Ora aim to provide a life changing opportunity for women who are creating art to make the world a more beautiful, and equitable place.

인스 타 그램: https://instagram.com/ritaora/

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